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Hi! I have this through Hull Breach's kickstarter campaign, any chance I can get the updated files for 1e? Or do I need to buy it on here?  They say 0.9 so not sure how different they're, was just wondering. Thanks!

Hey! You should have the final 1.0 files available via both Backerkit and DriveThruRPG (check your email). You definitely don't need to buy it a second time!

Yes I do have them on Backerkit from an upload on Nov 30th 2022, and even though the file says Wrath of God 1e Digital, it downloads a zip that has the Wrath_of_God_1e_Color_v0.9 [WIP].pdf, instead of the one I see here being Wrath_of_God_1e_Color_v1.0.pdf, perfectly fine if the changes are not that significant though, just making sure before printing!

Huh, you're right! I just checked the file on Backerkit. I'm not sure what happened there to be honest, but I've now updated the Wrath of God upload there to a zip that includes proper v1.0 files.

Thank you very much for letting me know about the issue!

Hi! I have physical copy of Wrath of God. How can I get access to digital files?

Hey! Feel free to DM me on Twitter (link is on my profile page) or Discord (you can find me in the Mothership server).

I DM to you on Twitter.

Are you planning on doing a physical release? Thanks for all you've made, it's wonderful!


Yes! Physical copies are currently at the printer's and should be available sometime in mid-late October.